Tip for all Canadian agents – the screens Wayburn used in the beginning didn’t have a CSA approval! Therefore not insurable!
CSA approved screens would’ve been available from the factory for a different price and under a different order number.
Wayburn reassured that future screens will be the CSA approved ones!

We suggest to pay attention to this matter and verify so you don’t end up in trouble!

Stay tuned!

Homework Sheet for Wayburn Digital Media – Do Your Research!

There are 18 listed websites of Wayburn agents (listed below). Click on “book now” – if they have any host locations they are listed there. The information is available online and you can google for yourself – we only did part of the homework already for you.
If there is any research you would like to do

If you want to call the hostlocations directly (they are all publicaly advertised businesses)

– how long have you been a hostlocation for Wayburn Digital Media?
– how many advertisers are presently on your screen?
– are they happy with their arrangements?
– why did they decide for Wayburn Digital Media
– have they been approached by competitors
– will they continue – if yes why, if no why not? Continue reading

Can you trust Wayburn Digital Media? Decide for yourself!

Sorry everybody for the 1 week silence – I was away. But now I’m back again and will start posting some of the new comments about Wayburn Digital Media I have meanwhile received.

Here is a story which as a brief summary is reflecting the experience of many others with Wayburn and Michele Kraatz. It was shared with me verbally and a more detailed version will be submitted by the individual soon.

He purchased from Wayburn a territory in a major City of USA.
The 22″ screens included in the package were rejected by most customers because the advertising could barely be seen and the quakity was very poor.
So to possibly save his investment he went on and spent MORE money to buy his own bigger TV’s and was now able with hard work to place them in 10 locations.
He than simply tried everything but couldn’t find any willing advertisers. Continue reading